A new EQUALS in Tech Award category

For nearly a decade, the EQUALS in Tech Awards have recognized organizations and initiatives working to help girls and women gain equal internet access, digital skills, and opportunities for leadership in the tech industry. Starting this year, we want to celebrate outstanding EQUALS partners as well!
As we do every year, we are collecting public nominations for all award categories, and anyone may nominate an initiative for consideration until June 1, 2022. Find more details on our awards page, and watch for our finalist announcement this summer.
Winners of EQUALS in Tech Awards join a select community, and many eventually become EQUALS partners, making a concrete commitment to our global partnership’s shared goals.
Our partners are dedicated to gender equality in the digital world. They work hard together to bring equality of access, skills and leadership opportunities in tech to girls and women all over the world. And our partners support one another. Therefore, for the first time, the partnership has agreed to introduce a new award category, to recognize, engage, highlight and promote the work of EQUALS partners. This new category will be a special recognition award for which only EQUALS partners can be nominated.
Is your organization an EQUALS partner? Nominate a fellow partner initiative for this special award.
Partner Award selection criteria
Nominations for the EQUALS in Tech Outstanding Partner Award will only be accepted from EQUALS partners.
EQUALS partners cannot nominate their own institution, organization, or initiative for this award category; neither may they nominate initiatives that they have jointly created, developed, or contributed to.
Nominated EQUALS partners should have at least one initiative focused on bridging the gender digital divide.
The institution nominated should have been an active EQUALS partner for at least one year prior to the opening of call for nominations. If an initiative, project or program led by more than one EQUALS member is nominated, at least 50% of participating partners in the initiative should have been active for minimum one year.
Only EQUALS partners with initiatives that are being conducting directly as a commitment/contribution to or project for EQUALS -or - that are indicated specifically as “powered by EQUALS” can be nominated.
Voting process
Nominated partners will be considered for finalist status by the EQUALS Hub. Once the Hub has created a short list of finalist partners, EQUALS Steering Committee members will evaluate these. Based on the cumulative amount of points awarded by the committee members, the three nominations with highest points will be declared the finalists in this special category.
To select a winner, EQUALS partners will participate in a partnership-wide vote.

Importance of Recognizing our outstanding partners
One of the many benefits of joining the EQUALS Global Partnership is joining a community working to bridge the gender digital divide in all its aspects. The partnership includes private sector companies, academic institutions, government agencies, international organizations, and civil society initiatives and groups.
We hope this award will offer our partners another chance to enjoy recognition of the work they are doing to make the digital world more equal for everyone, regardless of their gender.
Winning partners will be celebrated with special media features on the EQUALS website and on our social media channels. They will also be given unique opportunities to showcase their work to our growing partnership and beyond, and to join the EQUALS in Tech Award judging panel for the following year.
We hope you will help us celebrate and share the work of the EQUALS Global Partnership. Follow us on social media to hear more about this new award for partners.
About the #EQUALSinTech Awards
The annual EQUALS in Tech Awards are organized and presented by the EQUALS Global Partnership – a network of 100+ NGOs, private sector companies, international organizations and research institutions – whose founding partners include the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), UN Women, International Trade Centre, GSMA, and United Nations University. Together, the partnership works to bring the benefits of information and communication technologies (ICTs) to women and girls, and to help women succeed in the tech sector.
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