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  • Melina Gaglia

Wednesdays are for Winners: Celebrating five years of the EQUALS in Tech Awards

If the middle of the week normally gets you down, fear not! Starting this month, we’re celebrating five years of the EQUALS in Tech Awards by featuring all 27 of our past winners in a series we’re calling #WinnersWednesdays. It’s a dose of inspiration to liven up your week and introduce you to a community that is working tirelessly to close the gender digital divide.

Since 2014, the EQUALS Global Partnership has recognized initiatives large and small from around the globe for helping women and girls get equal access, skills and opportunities online and in the tech industry. The annual EQUALS in Tech Award ceremony is the flagship event of our global partnership, and it’s growing every year.

We’re excited to show you the work of these amazing winners, and to catch up with them to see what the award has meant to their work.

Watch for #WinnersWednesdays on your favorite EQUALS channels!

Follow the campaign:

On our blog: Ongoing posts featuring Q&As with past winners

On social media: News, interviews, facts, videos, photos and more using the hashtag:

Twitter: @EQUALS

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