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Global Tech Companies Gather to Advance Gender Equality

On May 8, 2018, leaders gathered in Palm Desert California to form the Male Champions of Change Global Technology Group. The group’s work on the conditions and workplace cultures necessary to enable women’s careers in tech to thrive will help to advance the leadership dimension of the EQUALS Global Partnership, which aims to promote women in decision-making roles within the information and communication technology field and entrepreneurship. 15 male leaders in tech have already stepped up to participate, including CEOs and other senior leaders from Intel Capital, M12 (formerly Microsoft Ventures), the BBC, Blippar, BT Group, Condé Nast International, Henkelx,, and Naspers. Up to 15 more will be added this year.

Panelist discuss diversity and inclusion during the “Champions for Change” panel on stage at the 18th Intel Capital Global Summit on Tuesday, May 8, 2018, in Palm Desert, California. (Credit: Intel Corporation)

The announcement occurred in front of hundreds of technology leaders at the Intel Capital Global Summit at which the importance of diversity and inclusion in the tech sector was a key theme. Intel Capital President Wendell Brooks, who is also Senior Vice President of Intel Corporation, said a strong focus of the group will be creating more inclusive workplace environments for women. “We want to ensure smart, creative young women can see themselves delivering leading tech solutions in the future or becoming CEOs of world-class tech organizations,” he said. “Women are not advancing at the same rate as men in our industry, and part of it unfortunately is systemic bias - conscious or unconscious.” He added “With my Champions of Change colleagues, working side-by-side with women leaders in our sector, we intend to change that system to create equal, respectful and inspiring working environments for everyone.” The group will be supported by AccelerateHER, Male Champions of Change Institute and ITU, a co-founder of EQUALS. Welcoming the announcement, ITU Secretary-General Houlin Zhao said “ITU is committed to bridging the digital gender divide, by bringing women to tech - and bringing to women around the globe the life-changing resources available through digital connectivity. As part of this commitment, ITU co-founded the EQUALS global partnership, and we are pleased to join it and others in support of the Male Champions of Change initiative.” For more information on Male Champions for Change, click here.


Ms. Ursula Wynhoven is the ITU Representative to the United Nations.

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