2020 EQUALS in Tech Award Finalists

Improving women's and girls’ digital technology access, connectivity and security

Technology applications designed to make public spaces safer and more inclusive for women.

Mobile app offering Brazilian domestic workers access to empowering information that improves work conditions.
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IT-enabled solutions to empower female doctors to re-join the workforce and deliver quality healthcare to patients located far away.

Online network that gives private, slum-based informal daycares in Nairobi knowledge and tools to offer high-quality, reliable and sustainable service

Female-led organization aiming to engage youth; connect communities; and create services that respond to the digital needs of underserved communities.

Supporting development of science, technology, engineering and math skills of women and girls

Digital education program that aims to use technology to improve the education of millions of girls and boys around the world through technology.

Community of female software engineers in Israel, established with the goal of reaching 50% female software engineers in the Israeli high-tech industry.

Organization that educates, trains, and mentors African girls and young women from underserved communities ain science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM).

Platform and innovation center aimed at promoting and supporting African women in the fields of technology and entrepreneurship.
First female coding club in Cambodia; encourages female students to study tech, thus directly improving their opportunities for better-paid jobs in the future.

Promoting women in decision-making roles within the ICT field

Programmatic efforts designed to develop young girls in STEM and help them remain in the STEM pool.

National program providing opportunities for all, and particularly women, providing trainings on emerging technologies and empowering digital champions.

Gender and technology targeted interventions to bridge the gender digital divide by holding events and activities.

Organization advancing the human rights of women and girls in STEM fields through advocacy in the United Nations and in other relevant international organizations.

Career development platform offering a repeatable, scalable framework to build value, increase earnings, and bridge the gender wage/opportunity gap.

Promoting women’s leadership in technology SMEs

Program to prepare private sector women employees to be national future leaders through coaching, projects, best practices, follow-up and direct teaching.

Organization that aims to identify and spark new ideas, nurture creative innovation and develop engaged change-making leaders and communities across Africa and beyond.

Education, training, technical assistance and advisory services to the most vulnerable and disadvantaged people, who are most often young women and girls.

Program to strengthen the capacities of girls and young women, and increase their autonomy through sustainable projects and activities.

Community for women working in the cybersecurity industry and for women who want to join the industry.

Thank you to our sponsors for making these awards possible. Your support helps reimagine our digital future.


The Judges
The 2018 EQUALS in Tech Award finalists and winners were chosen by former winners, known as the Advisory Group, and experts from the EQUALS Steering Committee, composed of coalition leads, co-founders, and financial contributors.