2021 EQUALS in Tech Award Finalists

Improving women's and girls’ digital technology access, connectivity and security

Teaches and trains women leaders and businesswomen using the e-learning platform Kolibri, while also introducing STEM to young girls.

Foundation that aims to empower women by providing access to digital financial services, training and support.

Leverages technology to support girls at risk of FGM in Mara by ensuring that they can be found quickly.

Organization working in Africa to provide concrete mentorship, community, training, and job opportunities for African women in STEM.

Empowers young girls in Burundi with training to integrate successfully into the employment sector, and promotes female entrepreneurship in agro-food technology.

Supporting development of science, technology, engineering and math skills of women and girls

Brazilian platform that provides resources to support, guide and encourage women studying and working in STEM.

Encourages young women in Lebanon to explore and venture into science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

Aims to close the skills and gender gaps in ICT by holding seminars, trainings, education programs, and counselling.

Provides a technical and practical certification program for women in Bénin to develop skills in technology, entrepreneurship and digital leadership.

Program in Burundi that aims to increase the number of women in tech by providing #STEM skills and raising awareness on digital career opportunities.

Promoting women in decision-making roles within the ICT field

Builds a more inclusive tech environment by creating a network of black women tech leaders in Brazil.

Government program in Saudi Arabia program providing trainings on emerging technologies and empowering digital champions.

Empowers women in Argentina to be tech leaders by providing courses, workshops, career advisors, internships and funding.

Ghana-based initiative works to bridge the gender divide in the tech industry and create a supportive community of African women leaders.

Program aiming to bridge the socio-economic gap in India so that young women in all communities have the opportunity to be transformational leaders.

Promoting women’s leadership in technology SMEs

Helps women (particularly those owning MSMEs) in Indonesia to develop and/or grow their business, as well as increase access to supply chains.

Free mobile learning platform in Nigeria for women to learn vocational, financial, digital and business skills, motivating them to create their own small businesses.

Enables easier access to loans, transactions and financial services to empower women-owned small businesses and other underserved communities in India.

Empowers craftswomen and girls in Egypt to use the information available on the internet towards economic, social and cultural development of their work.

Provides practical training programs, networking and job search assistance to create a female-dominated talent pool for Tunisian IT companies.

Initiatives working to expand digital gender divide knowledge in support of evidence-based decision-making

Research study on the design of the qualitative inclusion, equal opportunities, and participatory work environment index in digital government agencies in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Online platform that automates the delivery of customized gender equality and social inclusion (GESI) analysis to empower decision makers with critical information.

Explores the collection, sharing and use of data in creating social impact in communities, specifically focusing on African feminist movements.

Researching legal responses to victims of digital gender violence such as non-consensual dissemination of intimate images through mobile devices and the internet.

Taif University project demonstrating how values have pervasive impact on human behavior through a case study of Saudi women’s visibility in digital media.