EQUALS Commitments
A global movement to close the gender digital divide
Support Women through Women4Tech Summits
The GSMA Women4Tech programme is focused on addressing the gender gap in the mobile industry through empowering, and transforming women in technology. GSMA is committed to continue to host Women4Tech Summits at Mobile World Congress Barcelona and other GSMA events including the Mobile360 series as to reinforce action through continued regional engagement. Through these events we will facilitate meaningful discussions on female leadership in the digital economy and drive action to address gender inequality in the tech and investment sectors on both a global and regional level.
STEAM Workshops for Girls
GSMA is committed to continue to deliver Tech4Girls workshops and offer underserved girls technical skills as well as exposure to role models and mentors in the mobile sector.
The Tech4Girls technical workshops target elementary, middle school and high school girls to inspire careers in Science, Technology, Engineering and Arts and Design and Math (STEAM) studies. Participants from local schools and underserved communities learn new skills such as coding and programming from industry professionals, have a chance to hear from women in STEAM careers and see live demos from the latest technologies.
GSMA is committed to deliver globally at least 7 Tech4Girls sessions in support of 2020 Girls in ICT day.
Gender digital divide assessment
Publish policy paper assessing the Africa gender digital divide based on country study in Nigeria, Rwanda, Kenya, South Africa, Tanzania, Mozambique and Ghana
Research ICT Africa
Access Coalition campaign contribution
Contribute content to the Access Coalition online campaigns and advocate for fair and secure access and use of the internet.
UN Women
Advocate for the WEPs
Tech companies sign on to the Women's Empowerment Principles and embark on the WEPs journey of designing and implementing policies and programmes, communicating to stakeholders and reporting on the progress made.
UN Women
Launch WeLearn Portal
The WeLearn portal is launched in collaboration with EQUALS partners willing to share digital learning content (e.g. Unilever). The WeLearn portal is piloted in Indonesia.
UN Women
Nigeria tech sector research
In Nigeria, conduct original research on the technology sector’s potential to increase youth employment opportunities, with a specific focus on women’s access to and advancement within the sector.
ONE Campaign
Advocate for new G20 skills initiative
Ahead of the G20, partner with other civil society organizations to advocate for a new initiative focused on girls’ education and school to work transition.
ONE Campaign
Outreach and call to action
For International Day of the Girl, frame outreach to ONE members and potential members around gender-specific barriers to girls’ education and STEM skills. Launch a quiz that engages the public and calls upon them to take action to support girls’ education and skills in the world’s poorest countries.
ONE Campaign
Gender indicator data
Provide gender indicator data collected through the 2017/2018 nationally representative household and individual surveys from 10 African countries.
Research ICT Africa
National Plan for Digital Inclusion to contain women-oriented initiatives
National Plan for Digital Inclusion to include 'Digital Inclusion for Women': a specific line aimed at recipients of the 'Hacemos Futuro' program. Gender awareness will be promoted among public employees and society in general.
Adoption of technologies in National Public Administrations
Adoption of technologies in the National Public Administration to include gender perspective recommendations
Gender disaggregated public administration data
Data of public administration personnel distribution disaggregated by gender will be published
Database development
Development of women in neuroscience database, and TEQtogether.
Royal Holloway
Skills tools application
Application of tools developed by skills coalition with students and staff at Royal Holloway, University of London (c.9,500 students and 1,700 staff).
Royal Holloway
Access and Leadership Coalition support
Support Access and Leadership Coalitions and their deliverables by sharing knowledge and resources.
Royal Holloway
EQUALS Skills Coalition support
Support UNESCO in the development of the outputs through active participation in meetings, including continued participation in Mobile Learning Week.
Royal Holloway
EQUALS Research Group support
Membership in, and active contribution to, EQUALS Research Group – e.g. one chapter in 2018 report, as well as two people undertaking editorial work.
Royal Holloway
Benchmarks and diagnostics
Help promote innovation benchmarks and diagnostic tools through GICC.
Collect data on women and tech
Encourage evidence-based policy by collecting data on women’s comfort and use/adoption of digital technologies to help scale and grow their businesses in the United States.
Publications on AI and gender
Prepare a series of publications on “Fix the bug” and TrustedAI regarding gender parity related topics.
Direct spending to women-owned businesses
EY commits to direct US$100 million of global purchasing spend to women-owned businesses around the world by 2020.
Collaborate to create job opportunities
Collaborating with SheWorks!, the cloud-based technology platform that provides women access to remote and flexible job opportunities around the world, aiming to create 100,000 job opportunities for women by 2020.
Coaching for women-owned businesses
Through our relationships with WeConnect International and WBENC in the United States, we provide coaching and mentoring for small to medium sized women owned enterprises in South Africa, India, the United States, Canada, Australia and Europe. These relationships are not through the EWW program but are part of our Supplier Diversity commitments to grow and nurture diverse suppliers. On average we provide “training” and development opportunities for over 1000 women business enterprises each year on a global basis.
Support women founders
Identify, engage, support new classes of high-potential women founders across 65 countries to support their quests to scale their companies. Spanning 65 countries, the EY Entrepreneurial Winning Women™ program identifies successful women entrepreneurs across all industries whose businesses show real potential to scale and provides them with support, resources and access to help accelerate their growth.
100 mentorships for young women in STEM
Run mentoring program with One Million Mentors (through EY Technology) in the US and with Girls Who Code in Canada/US. We aim to provide 100 mentorships and coach young women starting their careers or in university/studying STEM related subjects (30 each in Seattle and Canada).
Coding training for 1000 girls
Organize training for 1000 girls on coding at the occasion of International Girls in ICT Day. Engage community of sponsors, teachers, parents and employees of 4000 by 2020, primarily in Germany, Austria and Switzerland with the goal to extend to other countries.
Share research findings among global stakeholders
Disseminate the findings of the G20 report on Bridging the Digital Gender Divide: Include, Upskill, Innovate, by presenting the insights at relevant OECD committees and external events.
Highlight gender issues in science
Draw attention to the key issues affecting gender equity in science at different life stages and consider the changing context for STI and how this increases the emphasis on diversity, as part of the OECD’s flagship Science, Technology and Innovation Outlook publication.
Develop research on gender bias in start-ups
Undertake analysis of the gender bias and gaps in start-up activity and venture capital financing.
Incorporate gender elements in research on AI development
Explore the gender dimension in data and analysis related to the development of Artificial Intelligence, in particular drawing on the OECD’s STI Micro-data Lab datasets on intellectual property, bibliometrics, software and company-level data.
Share and publish data and evidence
By mid-2019, MUVA will publish generated data, tools and evidence from gender-sensitive ICT courses conducted in urban and rural Mozambique with the aim of achieving WEE.
Girls in ICT Day in Mozambique
MUVA will organize 2 events during the International Girls in ICT Day in two major cities of Mozambique.
Coding training for 50 women and girls
MUVA will train 150 vulnerable young women and girls in labour market requested ICT skills through a gender transformative education method in Mozambique.
Connecting youth and women
MUVA will connect till 2019 at least 400 youth and especially young women and girls to free WiFi and Intranet in Mozambique.
Mentoring 1,000 young women in STEM
NYAS commits to mentoring a minimum of 1,000 young women through the Global STEM Alliance (GSA) programs and welcoming other EQUALS members to join the GSA. The GSA commits to creating a new virtual module on "How to Safeguard Information in a Digital World" led by a leading expert in field from the NYAS network. The module will be made available to participants in the Global STEM Alliance.
New York Academy of Sciences
Global skills certification
Work with IEEE Standards Division, DQ Institute and World Economic Forum to create global certification for 2 skills that will provide onramps for girls and women to earn incomes.
People Centered Internet
EQUALS Women in Tech Taskforce
Develop the EQUALS Women in Tech Taskforce concept and promote it with IEEE and other local networks to engage with them to recruit 50 members and leaders for EQUALS Women in Tech taskforces in communities in Silicon Valley, Singapore and 1 other country in South East Asia.
People Centered Internet
Address online gender based violence
Build the capacity of 30 feminist digital security practitioners to address online gender based violence.
Association for Progressive Communications (APC)
Support tech women entrepreneurs
Connect 10,000 tech women entrepreneurs to digital skills and tools as well as new business opportunities by 2021
International Trade Centre (ITC)
Coordinate EQUALS Leadership Coalition
Coordinate the activities of the EQUALS Leadership Coalition, including hosting monthly calls, collecting and reporting on projects, providing inputs for EQUALS publications and reports, and promoting EQUALS events through social media channels in support of the EQUALS partnership goal to bridge the gender digital divide by 2030.
International Trade Centre (ITC)
Create new equality strategy
Launch a formal strategy that sets out clear plans of action for change and builds a framework of accountability for change and progress in equality.
Support STEM curriculum targeted and low-income students, particularly girls
Create a robust virtual Inmarsat curriculum that covers key STEM with a view to moving towards formal CREST Certification (British Science Association).
Work to support diversity and global employment standards
Partner with rights organisations, to increase the global standards of equality and support diversity in employees. Goal: Change that supports a culture of equality and inclusion will have a positive impact on gender parity.
Accelerate career progression and prevent loss of female talent
Provide targeted development for female talent to accelerate career progression and prevent loss of female talent. Run 2 programmes each year, to support women with establishing effective presence and communication skills. One programme is targeted to support women transitioning into functional leadership and one programme to support the transition into executive leadership. We believe this programme will also prevent loss of female talent in key transition points and increase gender parity in senior roles.
New research on access, barriers, and tech use
Conduct primary research through the DOT network on ICT4D as it relates to gender, in order to: assess barriers to access and use among young women; highlight the innovative and unexpected ways women adopt and use technology in their everyday lives; and identify entry points for support and intervention. Primary research will be shared with the EQUALS network.
Digital Opportunity Trust (DOT)
Develop research on private sector collaboration
Develop and share a research brief about the impact of collaboration with the private sector in promoting women and girls as champions of technology and developing innovative solutions to bridge the gender digital divide (DOT network).
Digital Opportunity Trust (DOT)
Share data related to skills and access
Share primary data from projects that focus on the connection between digital skills training and closing the access gap (Rwanda, Ethiopia).
Digital Opportunity Trust (DOT)
EQUALS research support
Give EQUALS research group access to programmatic data collected that demonstrates the impact of digital skills training on women’s economic empowerment for secondary analysis (Rwanda, Lebanon).
Digital Opportunity Trust (DOT)
EQUALS communications
Develop blog posts for EQUALs related to bridging the gender digital divide through access, skills development and social and economic empowerment for Equals.
Digital Opportunity Trust (DOT)
Webinars for young women and youth
Organize a series of 5 webinars, involving young women and DOT’s Youth Lab, on lessons learned during implementation to bridge the gender digital divide through access, skills training and economic empowerment (Ethiopia, Rwanda, Lebanon, Jordan and possibly other countries).
Digital Opportunity Trust (DOT)
Celebrating Diversity and Inclusion with Young Women and Girls in ICT
Hold a digital celebration for 1,000 young women and girls during the 2019 International Girls in ICT Day in Argentina, Peru, Nicaragua, Bolivia, Mexico, including a hands-on workshop in Guatemala.
Pro Mujer
The Digital Inclusion Project
Provide 2,000 digital literacy trainings for women microentrepreneurs, youth and Pro Mujer staff in Bolivia by 2020.
Pro Mujer
Address root causes that hinder access
Address, from a human rights perspective, root causes which hinder women and girls from accessing and actively using ICTs, at least at 2 occasions at global level (meetings, advocacy, awareness raising activities, research, etc) involving relevant stakeholders.
Support women at WSIS Forum
ITU commits to continue to ensure good participation and engagement of Women in the WSIS Forum, including in the hackathon, high level component and speaking panels. In this regard also strengthening the showcasing of innovation from women entrepreneurs at the event.
Support access work through communications and media
ITU commits to produce a steady stream of timely stories/articles summarizing and highlighting content on ICT access and genderà social media/externally generated content.
Mentorship for EQUALS in Tech Award winners
ITU commits to incorporating mentorship for the 2018 EQUALS in Tech Award winners à this will be done with the support of the partners and previous winners.
Continue gender digital divide work with Broadband Commission
ITU will continue to implement its commitments made under the Broadband Commission Working Group on the Digital Gender Divide.
Incorporate gender dimensions into digital skills training in Africa
UNESCO will a) work closely with Germany to strengthen thé gender dimensions of thé Africa Code Week training of trainers curriculum in il couutries, and b) train 100 teachers, teacher educators and school administrators on gender-responsive STEM and digital skills for girls in 12 countries in Africa.
Partner with Germany to support digital skills training and policies
UNESCO will work closely with Germany to a) iuform policy makers and practitioners about thé sldll sets required to address digital inequality between women and meu, and how to monitor skills acquisition and use, b) identify principles for quality and gender-transformative digital skills training, particularly iu thé developing world, and e) establish operational guidance for practitiouers to increase digital skills trainings for women and girls.
Organize AfChix Techwomen Summits
Organize Annual Afchix Techwomen Summits in order to: Provide an annual platform for African Women in Technology to learn from each other through the various summit sessions; provide opportunities for network and inspiration for African Women in Technology; strengthen the AfChix Network through increased visibility of AfChix’s work and programs; and collaborate and network with EQUALS partners to grow a vibrant platform for African Women in Technology.
Establish four new AfChix chapters
Formalise the establishment of AfChix Chapters in Zimbabwe, South Africa, Malawi and Guinea.
Upscale women-owned tech companies
Promote upscaling of women-owned tech companies and entrepreneurship among STEM women graduates from Africa through having 50% of role models video database belonging to women business owners and entrepreneurs rather than women from academia research or industry we should specify. Also conduct yearly statistics to evaluate the progression of the rate of women tech entrepreneurs in collaboration with interested EQUALS partners.
Translate women role model videos
Translate video recordings to all African Union languages (Arabic, French, Portuguese and English) of 10 pioneer women with great Achievements to serve as role Models to their peers in Africa for 2018-2019.
Women in technology role model database
Create and Promote a database of Women in Technology Role Models from African Countries on the AfChix Website to result in an African wide platform with a database of experts and role models where women from all over the continent can look for support.
Commit to female pipeline investments
Nokia has also committed to take a holistic view of female pipeline investments, including commitment to girls in STEM.
More women in leadership
Nokia has committed to take action to increase the proportion of women in leadership roles (baseline 2016) by 25% by 2020, and to increase the share of women in the total employee population, within the same timeframe.
Develop research on specific issues related to the digital gender divide
Research conducted in partnership with other organizations working on the digital gender divide for united front on key gaps in understanding of constraints and challenges Expected results: Increased knowledge in digital development community about digital gender divide.
Digital Impact Alliance (DIAL)
Ensure gender sensitivity of DIAL’s demonstration projects
DIAL will ensure that its demonstration projects are designed according to best practice in terms of ensuring men's, women's, boys’ and girls’ needs are fully incorporated into any design. Expected results: Gender is mainstreamed where relevant into DIAL’s demonstration projects.
Digital Impact Alliance (DIAL)
Include gender balance in procurement and proposal evaluation
Ensure gender is an evaluation criterion when reviewing proposals. Expected results: Proposal requests with gender balance as evaluation criterion, more proposals from non-traditional providers.
Digital Impact Alliance (DIAL)
Mentoring for 175 women
Provide mentoring to 175 women entrepreneurs by 2019 through our global Mentoring Women in Business Programme.
Cherie Blair Foundation for Women
Access to a business skills app for 13,000 women
Enable women entrepreneurs to access the skills, confidence and networks they need to grow their businesses through our mobile app, HerVenture. The app will provide 13,000 women in Indonesia and Vietnam by 2020 with essential business training and support.
Cherie Blair Foundation for Women
Entrepreneurship training for 1,000 women
Empower 1,000 women in Nigeria through 2018-19 through our blended learning programme, Road to Growth, to build their financial literacy and business management skills.
Cherie Blair Foundation for Women
Address technology and inclusion issues at community activities
Explicitly address issues relating to technology and inclusion in the Berkman Klein Center’s September kickoff activities for new community members.
Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society
Ally skills training
Offer ally skills training to staff and other members of the Berkman Klein Center community to address issues relating to bias against people who are targets of systemic oppression, including women and members of the LGBTQ community.
Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society
Host at least 3 women in tech events
Host at least 3 events as part of our 2018-19 academic year slate specifically geared toward women in tech.
Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society
Include gender-based harassment and violence in online research
Ensure the Center’s “harmful speech” work considers the impact of gender-based harassment and gender violence in chilling online speech and conduct.
Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society
Discuss impacts of surveillance tech on different communities
Foster conversations about surveillance technologies and their disparate impacts on different communities (including communities defined by gender and gender identity).
Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society
Address gender bias in algorithm and justice work
Ensure the Center’s ongoing work on “algorithms and justice” addresses issues related to gender bias in technologies that incorporate algorithms, artificial intelligence, and machine learning.
Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society
Sponsor diverse attendance at digital gatherings
Establish a fund to sponsor travel and support staff and community members in attending conferences, workshops, and other events specifically geared toward gender and technology.
Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society
Talk about hiring and community selection practices
Maintain active dialogue to inform our own hiring and community selection practices around gender and other markers of identity.
Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society
Community discussions
Activate community discussions around diversity in programming, establishing norms and best practices for those managing convenings around technology and tech-law-and-policy issues.
Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society
Share research and insights
Share data and insights on the gender gap in mobile and mobile internet with the EQUALS research group.
Women and Mobile Capacity Building Course
Continue to deliver the “Women and Mobile: Bridging the Gender Gap” training course for government officials and regulators. This course is free of charge - it takes forward the Broadband Commission Working Group of the Digital Gender Divide’s recommendations for government stakeholders to bridge the gender gap in internet access and use and helps participants develop a plan to implement such actions in their respective countries.
Connected Women Committment Initiative
Continue to support the Connected Women Commitment Initiative where mobile operators have made formal commitments to increase the proportion of women in their mobile internet and/or mobile money customer base by 2020, driving an effort to accelerate digital and financial inclusion across Africa, Asia and LATAM. As of July 2018, 36 mobile operators have made 51 formal commitments and have reached over 10 million new women with mobile money or mobile internet services.
Let Students Lead
The Communication Leadership masters's degree program at the University of Washington graduates professional communicators across STEM fields. One curricular emphasis is leadership development, and with an overwhelmingly female student population, our program increases the number of women entering the digital workforce with honed leadership skills. Our program offers two degrees: Master of Communication in Digital Media and Master of Communication in Communities and Networks.
Communication Leadership at the University of Washington
Inspire with innovation
Feature women innovators through She Loves Tech’s programs and campaigns to highlight the positive impact and encourage increased participation of women in the technology industry.
She Loves Tech
Women and tech startup competition
Organize a global startup competition spanning at least ten countries focused on women and technology.
She Loves Tech
Share EQUALS research
Disseminate different research developed by this Coalition among ISOC’s of Chapters and the Special Internet Group for Women not only to promote the work but also to receive feedback from the community on the ground.
Internet Society
Develop women's speaker database for panels and conference
Support the development of a women’s speaker database for improving the representation of women at panels and sessions at different Internet-related conferences.
Internet Society
Highlight role models in #ShinetheLight campaign
Support the work of the Leadership Coalition by highlighting women’s role models through ISOC’s #ShineTheLight communication campaigns.
Internet Society
Encourage girls to use technology
Organize events to encourage girls to use technology through ISOC’ Special Internet Group for Women and Chapters for the International Girls in ICT Day 2019.
Internet Society
Support women's Internet access and use
Support women’s Internet access and use in some of the locations where ISOC deploys or supports community networks.
Internet Society
Policy solutions training for 20 women
Organize a training for 20 women activists in Africa on viable policy-focused solutions to address issues related to the digital gender divide by 2020.
Wikimedia Foundation
Technology and inclusion at 2018 Mozilla Festival
Mozilla will include a focus on technology and inclusion as part of its 2018 Mozilla Festival, including workshops and talks by EQUALS members and others working on gender and technology.
The Mozilla Foundation
Address gender equality in e-commerce and digital trade
Fully address gender equality issues in the evaluation of the technical assistance needs related to e-commerce and digital trade, and raise the profile of the stakeholders involved in supporting women entrepreneurs in e-commerce, as part of the sixteen eTrade Readiness Assessments planned to be undertaken from September 2018 to September 2019 (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Solomon Islands, Tanzania, Togo, Tuvalu, Uganda, Vanuatu, Zambia, Zimbabwe).
Digital Economy and Development Report 2019
Include a full discussion of gender equality issues in the digital economy, for example, in digital platforms and in technology and innovation hubs, as part of the Digital Economy and Development Report 2019. The Report will examine trends in the global digital economy and examine opportunities and challenges for developing countries to capture more value from it. To the extent possible, the statistical evidence will consider the gender dimension, also regarding gender-disaggregated data on employment in the digital economy.
Address gender digital divide in policy review
Address gender digital divides in the analysis of UNCTAD’s upcoming Science, Technology and Innovation Policy Review on Uganda, Sri Lanka and Ethiopia.
Share digital skills findings among global development stakeholders
Disseminate the findings of the paper among global STI-for-development stakeholders and stress the importance of bridging the gender digital divide within the UN system by presenting the paper’s insights at the GA, CSW, CSTD and other intergovernmental bodies.
Produce study on building digital skills
As follow-up to 2018’s Commission on Science and Technology for Development (CSTD), produce one of UNCTAD’s Current Studies papers on the theme “Building Digital Skills to Benefit from New Technologies: Special Focus on Gender”. This policy-oriented study is going to present initiatives from CSTD member countries and best practices from around the world.
Include gender equality in Switzerland's national digital strategy
Include gender equality in the revision of Switzerland’s national digital strategy, which will be adopted in autumn 2018.
Swiss Federal Office of Communications
Support EQUALS in Tech Awards
Continue to support the annual EQUALS in Tech Awards.
Swiss Federal Office of Communications
Extend degree data analysis to more countries
Extend cohort-based degree data analysis to additional countries as allowed by available global data, and share datasets.
Mount Holyoke College
Analyze U.S. computer science degrees
Continue re-analysis of U.S. computer science degrees, examining gender, race, ethnicity, and socio-economic standing.
Mount Holyoke College
Support EQUALS partnership
Provide funding to EQUALS to establish a robust and stable secretariat that can grow and strengthen the community of EQUALS partners.
German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development
Partner with UNESCO to support digital skills training and policies
Financially support UNESCO and work closely together to a) inform policy makers and practitioners about the skill sets required to address digital inequality between women and men, and how to monitor skills acquisition and use, b) Identify principles for quality and gender-transformative digital skills training, particularly in the developing world, and c) Establish operational guidance for practitioners to increase digital skills trainings for women and girls.
German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development
Funding for the EQUALS Grassroots Digital Skills Training Fund
Financially support the World Wide Web Foundation in setting up the EQUALS Grassroots Digital Skills Training Fund and provide seed funding.
German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development
Mentoring program in the Netherlands and Pakistan
Organize mentoring program of duration 4 months where, at least, 20 (Netherlands) plus 20 (Pakistan) women and girls are mentored 1:1 by experienced professionals in ICT.
The Code to Change
Conference 2018 – The Code To Change
Organize The Code to Change conference in Amsterdam (Netherlands), aim to have 400 participants to learn emerging fields in technology and the digital skills associated with them from industry leaders.
The Code to Change
Digital and entrepreneurship skills training for 200 women and girls
Organize 4 digital skills bootcamps to train women and girls on coding & entrepreneurship skills: a) 50 women and girls in Multan (Asia) on digital and entrepreneurship skills, b) 50 women in December in Peshawar (Asia) on digital and entrepreneurship skills, c) 50 women and girls in Amsterdam (Europe) on digital skills, and d) 50 women in Amsterdam in 2019 (Entrepreneurship skills).
The Code to Change
Mentoring for 100 girls
Provide entrepreneurship and innovation mentoring to 100 girls in the next 12 months (with our partnership with WBENC).
Planet Mogul
Entrepreneurship and innovation training for 1,000 girls
Organize training for 1000 girls in the next 6 months (with our partnership with WBENC) - we just had a training session June 18, 2018 in Detroit, Michigan for 80 students.
Planet Mogul
AI and gender
We will write a chapter on the gender implications of AI development and deployment to be published in the EQUALS global report on Gender and ICTs.
World Wide Web Foundation
Training for 10,000 girls
Together with GIZ and BMZ, and in collaboration with EQUALS partners, we will support digital skills training opportunities for 10,000 women and girls and 100 policymakers in low- and middle-income countries.
World Wide Web Foundation
Internet access for all
We will launch a global campaign to draw attention to the urgent need to enable internet access for the half of the world — most of them women — still offline today, and will push for renewed efforts to both expand access and ensure that the open web remains a public good and a human right.
World Wide Web Foundation
Africa Summit for Women and Girls in Technology
We will bring together 250 women and girls from across Africa at the second Africa Summit for Women and Girls in Technology (October 9-11 in Accra, Ghana) to develop concrete policy measures to tackle the gender digital divide.
World Wide Web Foundation
Research, data and evidence sharing
Undertake at least one research project investigating women’s participation in computing and related industries. Share the results widely amongst policy, industry, academic and civil society stakeholders.
United Nations University, Institute for Computing and Society
Thought-provoking and action-oriented events
Host at least one convening of the EQUALS research group to 1) deliberate on progress towards gender digital equality and 2) generate cutting-edge research ideas and recommendations for action.
United Nations University, Institute for Computing and Society
Gender Divide Research
Search and analyze secondary data on digital divide by gender and age and circulate the research results to contribute to evidence-based policy-making.
International Gender Seminar
Organize at least one international seminar with a focus on gender digital divide and promote the awareness of this issue among the leaders in the field of science and technology policy
Inspiring Fifty UK
2018 is the first year the UK will have a dedicated list. We’re working with Netherlands-based Inspiring Fifty to showcase incredible women across technology careers and demonstrate role models do exist. We commit to recruiting a judging panel, driving nominations and highlighting the 50 winners with an event and media engagement. This is a UK initiative.
Recruit Male Champions of Change
Recruit and onboard senior male leaders (c-suite level) from 30 companies for the Male Champions of Change Global Technology Group which we’ve formed in partnership with the Male Champions of Change Institute and supported by EQUALS. The first meeting of the Global Technology Group will convene at the time of the World Economic Forum in Davos in January 2019. Goal: Onboard leaders with clear commitment to standing up alongside women to address gender inequality in their respective work environments.
Sharing our research
Share and promote research related to women in technology and entrepreneurship on the WITI website, social media and elsewhere. Goal: publicize and circulate evidence-based research related to women's contributions, obstacles or inequities. Contribute to policy discussions in institutional or legislative contexts.
University of California
Professional development skills
Organize at least two professional development workshops for at least 50 graduate students, postdoctoral scholars, or early-career women in tech fields. Goal: provide practical tools and skills for women to thrive in professional and academic settings.
University of California
Inspiring examples
Organize at least one public symposium on women in tech that will reach at least 150 in-person participants, including up to 5 awards to recognize women's leadership in the tech sector or tech applications/programs. Goal: provide inspiring examples of women's leadership and share research related to women's professional development and career paths.
University of California
Executive roundtables on women in tech
Hold at least 2 roundtable meetings for at least 40 executive leaders in industry, public sector, and academia, regarding women in technology in professional settings. Goal: 1. Advocate for a common set of industry metrics to ensure standardized, comparable measurements and benchmarks for women in tech; 2. Develop and evaluate programs to encourage women to be bold by taking initiative and holding institutions accountable. Deliver industry recommendations on best practices.
University of California
Questions or comments about these commitments?